Himalayan Salt Sole Tonic for Detox and Minerals

Himalayan Salt Sole Tonic for Detox and Minerals

Himalayan Salt Stones Starter Jar

SO Well Sole Starter JarSole (so lay) is a concentrated salt and water solution which unleashes this stored energy in the salt crystal. Taking 1 teaspoon daily of sole can help re-mineralize your body, pull out stored toxins, feed the cells so that your immune system works better and can help you detoxify the body of mercury and heavy metals.

Use of Sole is a very inexpensive, safe and homeopathic method for getting the necessary minerals and electrolytes our bodies need.

We are made of salt water, so replenishing our bodies with pure, unrefined, ionic and colloidal natural salt and clean water is essential to our overall well being.

This natural remedy is beneficial for adults, children and pets.


  • Fill the jar with spring or purified water to fill the glass jar.
  • Every morning on an empty stomach, take 1 teaspoon of sole and add to an 8 oz glass of water and drink.
  • Wait 15 minutes before eating or drinking.

Works well with many other homeopathic remedies.  Results may vary, but our customers have experienced more regular bowel movements, increased energy, better sleeping, reduced duration of colds and flu, better joint movement, mercury detoxification and more.

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Gourmet Himalayan Salt Crystal Stones Refill

SO Well Himalayan SaltThese large crystal stones are great for grating with a steel grater for gourmet purposes, or for making homeopathic sole. Sole (so lay) is a concentrated salt and water solution which unleashes this stored energy in the salt crystal. Taking 1 teaspoon daily of sole can help re-mineralize your body, pull out stored toxins, feed the cells so that your immune system works better and can help you detoxify the body of mercury and heavy metals.

Use of Sole is a very inexpensive, safe and homeopathic method for getting the necessary minerals and electrolytes our bodies need.

We are made of salt water, so replenishing our bodies with pure, unrefined, ionic and colloidal natural salt and clean water is essential to our overall well being.

This natural remedy is beneficial for adults, children and pets.


  • In a 8 oz or 16 oz glass jar, fill the jar with 4 or 5 stones, add spring or purified water to fill the glass jar.
  • Every morning on an empty stomach, take 1 teaspoon of sole and add to an 8 oz glass of water and drink.
  • Wait 15 minutes before eating or drinking.

Works well with many other homeopathic remedies.  Results may vary, but our customers have experienced more regular bowel movements, increased energy, better sleeping, reduced duration of colds and flu, better joint movement, mercury detoxification and more.


Save up to 65% and free shipping.

More Health Information

The mixture of water and crystal salt, called “sole” (so-lay) is the most flexible physical representation of pure solar and light energy. It is in fact the origin of life, or the proverbial primordial soup. Every vital biological process on Earth is directly connected to an energy
potential, which comes about when water and salt combine. Salt is literally stored energy and water is the universal solvent.

Salt Sole Tonic Testimonials

I was having leg cramps that woke me up with excruciating pain. I heard that drinking a couple of teaspoons of ``solay`` in a glass of water would help and it did! I purchased the big chunks of Himalayan salt which I keep in a jar of water (very pretty) and drink my solay solution every morning for the last couple of years. I am so grateful--this has changed my life! Thanks, ``-- Vicki (Spencer)

``A skin wound on forearm infected after I groomed a dog. The forearm swelled up to the elbow, with an angry red around the site. Decided the ocean has healing power, so in West Texas, I adventured to prepare a solution of ocean water:

Combined Kelp with rock salt, dipped arm in solution past the wound site for approx 15 minutes...amazing how the swelling was descending, so repeated soon thereafter, Next morning prepared a fresh solution of ``Ocean Water``. Repeated treatment thru a 3rd day, and the problem was solved.

Thank you for making available. I also use the Salt ceramic inhaler with amazing results. Also, the rock solution is ready on my kitchen counter. has enhanced my daily life.
The Heath Food Store: ``Honey Bee`` introduced me to your product. Yea Thank you

Helen Songer
I am a health care practitioner, who was made ill by faulty mercury amalgam removal 15 years ago. Even though the removal was mandated by a holistic MD, the dentist considered the procedure a fad, and without merit. He did not use appropriate protocol, even with a very pregnant dental assistant helping him. Amalgam was drilled out of the left upper and lower teeth.

I quickly developed severe headache, uncontrollable tremors, which prevented my navigating a spoon of food into my mouth, aching kidneys, insomnia, etc.. The kidney meridian runs through the knees, which became chronically swollen. The holistic MD intervened with 2x weekly high Vit. C IV's with selenium. I have spent the intervening years trying to correct the residues of the mercury poisoning. Have made kombucha for years, taken chlorella, done IV chelation, seen doctors of Traditional Chinese Medicine for acupuncture and herbs. In short, I had not been idle, and all of the above had brought improvement.

Five months ago, I began taking 1 tsp. of the sole' solution in water on arising, and was startled by apparent deep level detox of residual mercury. http://nslcom.wpengine.com/sole.html In the first week, I noticed dull headache; my kidneys felt uncomfortable. That subsided. By week 5, headache became unpleasant and entirely left sided. My left eye felt initially dry and granular; pain ran through it. Pain also in the left jaw, the teeth, and mastoid bone. The left eye became nearly swollen shut with a painful sty on the lower lid. The eye oozed for three weeks, and in the morning, the eyelashes were stuck together. As the sty drained and subsided, I noticed a rosier complexion, greater mental clarity, and well-being.

Now after 5 months of taking the sole', the swelling in the knees grows less. I had been athletic; that ability and inclination are returning. This detox took me by surprise. It was a bit difficult, but am sleeping deeply again, and symptoms dating from the time of the mercury poisoning are becoming notable by their absence. Thank you.

A New England nutritionist
Dear Isabella, Your lamps are absolutely beautiful. My enjoyment and appreciation of them never ceases to amaze me when I walk in a room or am near one. I have to share with you my experience with your wonderful sole. When I began, each morning after taking it there was considerable coughing, so knew it was clearing the lungs. I also noticed after a number of days that I was more relaxed. After about 5 weeks it dawned on me that my craving for sugar was gone. Also, a white bump that has been on my cheek near the nose (for many years) seemed smaller. One more thing I cannot forget to mention -- my skin became silky smooth from drinking sole. Recently I added another tsp of sole and a tsp of Alkalive Green powder by Phion (alkalizing formula) to a liter of water to drink throughout the day. As a result, the white spot on my cheek has almost disappeared, and my hunger between meals is reduced because it gives my body just the perfect little boost and balance it needs glass by glass. I decided to share Himalayan salt with my friends and massage clients.

One of my regular clients had developed a little nodule on the Achilles heel of each foot. They were painful to touch, yet he had hesitation about going to a Dr. and this went on for several months. One day I suggested he try the sole internally, and, use one of the salt rocks on the area as well when showering. He said yes to the idea. He came back in two weeks all smiles and said ``Guess what, the nodules on my heels are half gone``. He is very grateful to have something noninvasive to work with, and that is obviously helping. It just goes to show that when we are missing our minerals, there are signs in the body and in our habits.

I will continue to share these wonderful products with my clients and am experimenting with the 84 Mineral Therapy Detoxifying Mud Mask, not to mention the salt baths.

Pamela Markley, Licensed Massage Therapist in NYC
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