So Well All Natural Dog Shampoo Pet Care Product

So Essential All Natural Dog Shampoo
To keep your dogs skin and coat in excellent health, a good natural and effective dog shampoo is vital. Pets, made in Chicago, is formulated with natural, hydrating and conditioning ingredients such as Wheat germ, aloe vera, 84 mineral rich Himalayan salt and SLS free coconut derived surfactants. There is no preservatives, parabens, SLS, or waxes used. 100% Vegan and Cruelty free.
Our shampoo will clean, deodorize, promote healing, and help skin conditioners or just keep your dogs coat healthy, shiny and clean.
As a dog lover, you want your loyal friend to feel and look good. Your dog’s skin and coat perform many functions essential to its health. A healthy coat and skin provides warmth, maintains body temperature, and protects against parasites. Your dog’s skin and coat require special care to stay healthy.
Skin and coat problems are very common among dogs. Conditions include: abscesses, odors, eczema, dermatitis, dander, hair loss and seborrhea. Commercial pet shampoos contain artificial additives that can dry your dogs skin. They consist of harsh chemicals and irritants that can either exacerbate a skin problem or contribute to a skin reaction.
Available in 3 sizes now, our 2 oz is perfect for very small dogs or as a travel/sample. If you are a groomer or have many dogs, our gallon size is the perfect cost savings way to go.
As a business owner of a successful pet grooming salon, I am VERY particular about what shampoo we use. Ever since I took over ownership, I am strived to educate our customers about the benefits of good, quality products. I have spent a lot of time researching ingredients and the health benefits of each one. I was quite surprised as to my findings. Many of the ``all natural`` shampoos out there are loaded with detergents, chemicals, and man-made fragrances! I have tried using some of the better quality shampoos on the market but was very unsatisfied with the results. While the ingredients were good, the end result was a lifeless, greasy feeling, unshiny coat.As a groomer, I rely on the shampoo get the coat clean so we can continue to make the dogs beautiful but without a clean coat, it is more difficult to get a nice finish to the groom. After finding Wellness online, I decided to give their shampoo a try. I read the ingredients and was pleased to find no detergents or fragrances are used. We ordered a gallon and within a very short period of time, we had used it all up! This was everything in a shampoo I was looking for. The coat felt amazing and so clean, there was no greasy residue and because there is no fragrance, we are still able to customize each bath using essential oils.
I no longer have to purchase a shampoo for dog's with ithcy skin and dog's with white coat and dog's that shed; this shampoo does it all! We are so impressed and we can't wait to offer it to our customers so they can feel the difference at home! I highly recommend this to everyone! You will not be disappointed!
Thanks, we did receive the package yesterday, and tried your Pet Shampoo today, for the first time. Just had to tell you, recently found out that Ming, my Pekingese, was having an adverse reaction to another organic shampoo. After researching, I found most natural pet shampoos either have a lot of fragrances or rosemary, neither which my Peke can tolerate since they cause health issues. After I found your Pet Shampoo, I discussed it with my vet and decided to give it a try.All I can say is, ``fabulous!`` Love the lack of scent, minimal & pure ingredients, and his fur has never looked so fluffy and soft. Click on the attachment link above so you can see for yourself (the lighting wasn't great so he looks even better in person!!) From now on Ming will only be bathed using , and I can't thank you enough for having such a great product. Regards,
“We really were so surprised! I mean, we really didn’t expect that this shampoo would be different from any other dog shampoo, but it is! It was so unexpected! There really is a difference and it shows on his skin and coat: so much more silky and fluffy, and his skin has healed.”
Those were the words of Rhetta: Buster’s owner. Since the Pure Zing team is fresh out of dogs right now, we gave our dog shampoo sample to a neighbor. Her dog, Buster, had been scratching and she was afraid that she was going to have to take him to the vet and get some serious medicine.
To the rescue! We encouraged her to bathe Buster in this shampoo and there were immediate results! We saw Buster the next day and his coat not only looked fluffier that we had ever seen it, it was soooooo soft! The owner, thinking that this might have been some kind of fluke (although she did not tell us that at the time) decided to use the shampoo again and this time, she left the lather on two minutes which the bottle recommends but she had not done the first time.
Buster’s skin got even better, and his coat, if you can imagine, was silkier and looked whiter and cleaner than even before! That’s when we got the above testimonial. NOW our neighbor was totally convinced: she was estatic and Buster was prancing around obviously pleased with his appearance and lack of itchiness.
“The first time his skin looked so much better, and his coat was soft, but NOW….well, its really amazing shampoo! He just looks wonderful, don’t you think… and his skin is totally healed and he’s silky and fluffy. I’m convinced that this dog shampoo really IS different!”
If that true testimonial is not enough to convince you, then maybe the ingredients will: mineral rich Himalayan salt, Aloe, oatmeal, wheat germ and coconut derived surfactants. There are NO parabens, NO SLS, no preservatives or waxes to irritate or even clog sensitive skin. Just, good ingredients and restorative and healing Himalayan Crystal salt!
Buster is the proof. He looks Mahhhhvellous! His owner is thrilled and vows that this is the only dog shampoo that will touch Buster’s skin and coat from now on. If your dog’s coat and skin could use some TLC, then be sure and try this soothing and super cleaning shampoo with only natural ingredients: it’s Pure Zing