So Well Pure Salt Room Relaxation Spa and Salt Therapy
Please note, after 10 years of having a retail store and salt spa, So Well/Solay Wellness in Skokie is closing its location July 31st, 2016. All products will be available online for shopping and shipping all over USA and Canada. We will be focusing on new products, international shipping and selling to other boutiques, salt spas, stores & wellness centers.
It’s been wonderful to connect to all of our customers locally, and we will still be available by phone and email! Thank you for 10 GREAT years! Please stop by before JULY 31st, 2016 to say HELLO
Sign up for our newsletter and be notified of new locations offering SO WELL brand products or email info@

When you can’t make it to the coast to take in the health benefits of an ocean breeze, come relax with a friend in our salt relaxation room.
Pure Crystal Salt ionizes indoor air, simulating the cell-nourishing ions of an ocean breeze and the Himalayan salt used in our salt room is mineral rich, anti inflammatory, antibacterial and antimicrobial, providing an environment where just sitting and breathing delivers multiple benefits to the health of your respiratory system, skin and emotional well being promoting healing and relieving of various ailments in the same way as salt crystal caves.
Our customers report
- Improved breathing and immune system function
- Less colds & flu
- Decreased use of medications
- An enhanced sense of well-being from regular use.
What to Wear
Comfortable clothes and bring a pair of clean white socks
What do I do in your salt room?
Our Natural salt room is an oasis. It is beautifully hand crafted using only pure fair trade Himalayan salt and all natural woods and materials. You can lie comfortably and relax deeply. You can read, listen to music, work on your computer or meditate. Kids are welcomed to come and play.
Each session is 45 minutes.
Near Infrared Salt Sauna Sessions

Gradual, gentle and safe approach to whole body detoxing, weight loss and cell renewal.
Infrared sauna detoxification is a gradual, gentle and safe approach in cleansing the whole body and is the most effective Detox. Combining the health benefits of Himalayan salt enjoy breathing in healthy ions and absorbing 84 trace minerals while removing fat soluble compounds, water soluble compounds and heavy metals through your sweat and spare your organs the work. Sauna detoxification takes time, but the results are well worth it.
What to Wear
Bring 2 clean towels and or bathing suit if you like.
Each session is 30 minutes.
Other Services We Offer

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